Professor’s Letter: An Introduction

If you’re reading this, then I’m going to guess that you’re either a fan of Pokemon, Cubing or card games in general. (If not, then welcome! Enjoy your stay.)  This blog is an effort to provide information about my playgroup’s Pokemon TCG Cube that I manage.  I know there’s a lot of strange words in that sentence, so some introductions are in order.

What’s a Cube?

A Cube is the best format you could imagine for playing your favorite TCGs.  Imagine if you threw all of your favorite cards from a game (Like Magic or Pokemon) into a box.  That’s kind of what a Cube is: A self-built set or collection of cards that you use to create decks with.

Why Pokemon?

While I do already have a MTG Cube built (You can view it here!), I’m also a big fan of Pokemon.  I play VGC competitively and have even messed around in TCG tournaments a few times.  The thing is, I love having every card at my disposal, so rotating formats just aren’t for me.  I want to use all of my favorites and see how powerful older cards synergize with newer puzzle pieces.  This Cube is an outlet for that.

What’s next?

If you’ve gotten this far, then I’m sure you want to see the list!  It’s currently updated through X&Y and has undergone quite a few changes.  I check new sets regularly for updates and occasionally dig through forgotten sets for old gems.  As of now, an older version of the list is compiled here in a Google Doc.  Over the next week or so, I’ll be updating the list to its current form as well as adding a visual spoiler for ease of access.  Following that will be blogs about specific Pokemon lines or deck archtypes and anything else that I may feel like writing about. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you all soon!Image

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